Add Historical Scrap Event Entry Mashup
The add historical scrap event entry mashup (PTC.ProductionDashboard.AddHistoricalScrapEventEntry_MU) is the window where historical scrap events can be added. This window is accessed by clicking Add Historical Scrap Event from the expanded event log.
The Historical Scrap Event window.
The PTC.ProductionDashboard.AddHistoricalScrapEventEntry_MU mashup uses the following widgets:
Multiple Label widgets:
For the Historical Scrap Event window name.
For the Pacemaker field.
Two Contained Mashup widgets, which call the following mashups:
Two Button widgets, used for the Save and Cancel actions.
The input parameters for the PTC.ProductionDashboard.AddHistoricalScrapEventEntry_MU are:
selectedWorkUnit—The work unit selected in the Work Unit Causing Event field.
jobOrderModelUid—The UID of the pacemaker for the work center on which the job order was produced.
timeZone—The time zone for the site to which the selected work center belongs.
scrapEvent—Infotable with scrap event data.
isSaveClicked—A Boolean indicating whether the historical scrap event entry is saved.
dataShapeName—Data Shape name used as input for the services on this mashup.
thingName—The Thing name of the pacemaker for the selected work center.
manager—The manager from which the dynamic services on this mashup are run.
workCenterThingName—The Thing name of the selected work center.
The output parameters for the PTC.ProductionDashboard.AddHistoricalScrapEventEntry_MU are:
selectedWorkUnit—The work unit selected in the Work Unit Causing Event field.
jobOrderModelUid—The UID of the pacemaker for the work center on which the job order was produced.
scrapEvent—Infotable with scrap event data.
isSaveClicked—A Boolean indicating whether the historical scrap event entry is saved.
dataShapeName—Data Shape name used as input for the services on this mashup.
The mashup uses the following dynamic services from the PTC.ProductionDashboard.Management_TS Thing Shape:
AddHistoricalScrap—Adds a historical scrap event for a given job order and material master.
GetModel—Retrieves the pacemaker for the work center on which the job order was produced.
GetPacemakerInfoForWorkCenter—Retrieves the current pacemaker for the selected work center.
GetReasonTypeFilterByAction—Retrieves the list of reason types appropriate for this action.
Localize—Retrieves the token for any localized message text.
Dynamic services allow you to select the entity to execute a service at runtime. In this case, the service can be executed from any entity that implements the PTC.ProductionDashboard.Management_TS Thing Shape. For more information, see Dynamic Services in the Mashup Builder section of the ThingWorx Platform Help Center.
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