Action Task Collection Mashup
This mashup is designed to be easily replaced with a customized mashup so long as the customized mashup has the same inputs and outputs. For more information, see Replacing Modular Mashups.
The action task collection mashup (PTC.ActionTracker.ActionTaskCollection_MU) defines the display for viewing and editing tasks on an action.
An action details page, with a red rectangle indicating the action task collection mashup.
This mashup is called from the collection widget on the edit action mashup, and is used for each task on the action. To complete an action, select the checkbox, then chose the completion date. To delete the task, click Trash can icon. The text in the text box can be edited, but cannot be left empty.
The PTC.ActionTracker.ActionTaskCollection_MU mashup uses the following widgets:
A Checkbox widget.
A Text Field widget.
A Date Time Picker widget for the Date Completed value.
Multiple Label widgets for text strings.
A Button widget for the delete action (Trash can icon).
The input parameters for the PTC.ActionTracker.ActionTaskCollection_MU mashup are:
completionDateDisplay—The display string for the Date Completed value.
text—The descriptive text for the task that is entered in the text field.
completed_date—For a completed task, the date selected for the Date Completed value.
isCompleted—A Boolean value for the checkbox.
stateDisabled—Boolean value that determines whether the mashup is in view mode or edit mode.
isEmptyString—Used to determine if the text field is empty.
taskUid—UID of the task in the database.
Manager—The manager from which the dynamic services on this mashup are run.
deleteTaskInvoked—Indicates that the task has been deleted, prompting the edit action mashup to refresh the list of tasks.
The output parameters for the PTC.ActionTracker.ActionTaskCollection_MU mashup are the same as the input parameters.
The mashup uses the following dynamic service from the PTC.ActionTracker.Management_TS Thing Shape:
DeleteTask—Deletes the task.
Dynamic services allow you to select the entity to execute a service at runtime. In this case, the service can be executed from any entity that implements the PTC.ActionTracker.Management_TS Thing Shape. For more information, see Dynamic Services in the Mashup Builder section of the ThingWorx Platform Help Center.
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