Implementation Model (Time Loss Analysis Building Block)
The following diagram shows the relationships between the main Thing Shapes, Thing Templates, and Things in the Time Loss Analysis building block, and their relationships with entities in other building blocks.
In the diagram, arrows with hollow heads and solid lines (
) indicate that an entity extends from the entity to which the arrow points, while arrows with hollow heads and dashed lines (
) indicate that an entity implements the entity to which the arrow points.
The significant entities in the time loss analysis building block include the following:
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.EntryPoint—Entry point Thing for the time loss analysis building block.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.Manager—Manager Thing for the time loss analysis utilities.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.EntryPoint_TT—Thing Template for time loss analysis entry point.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.Manager_TT—Thing Template for time loss analysis utilities.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.Management_TS—Thing Shape for time loss analysis utilities.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaConfigurationHeader—Data Shape used for the area configuration header information.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.ProfileParameters—Data Shape used for profile parameters.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AnalyticsNotConfigured_MU —Mashup used for displaying a message when the ThingWorx Analytics Server is not configured or connected.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaConfiguration_MU —Mashup used for area configuration.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaConfigurationCreateManual_MU—Mashup used for creating a manual push of data from an area to the ThingWorx Analytics Server.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaConfigurationCreateManualExistingDataset_MU—Mashup used for creating a manual push of data from an area that already has a data set.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaConfigurationCreateManualNoDataset_MU— Mashup used for creating a manual push of data from an area that does not have a data set.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaConfigurationCreateManualPushTypeDeleteRecreate_MU—Mashup used for creating a manual push that deletes the existing data set and recreates the data set.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaConfigurationCreateSchedule_MU— Mashup used for creating a scheduled push of data from an area to the ThingWorx Analytics Server.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaConfigurationFeatures_MU— Mashup used for the feature list that is part of the area configuration.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaConfigurationGeneral_MU— Mashup used for the general information that is part of the area configuration.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaConfigurationGeneralEdit_MU— Mashup used for editing the general information for an area.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaConfigurationGeneralReset_MU— Mashup used to reset the general information for an area.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaConfigurationPipelines_MU— Mashup containing the pipeline schedule for pushing data from DPM to ThingWorx Analytics Server. Also contains the history of data pushes.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaList_MU—Mashup use to display the list of areas in the administration module. This mashup is the parent mashup of Time Loss Analysis area details mashup and area hierarchy mashup in area list tab.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.AreaListHierarchy_MU—Mashup containing the list of all areas that can be configured for time loss analysis.
• PTC.TimeLossAnalysis.GlobalConfiguration_MU— Mashup containing the default profile parameters that are used when a new area is created.
The complete list of entities in the building block can be found by viewing the PTC.TimeLossAnalysis project in ThingWorx Composer.