Empty Waterfall Mashup
This mashup is designed to be easily replaced with a customized mashup so long as the customized mashup has the same inputs and outputs. For more information, see Replacing Modular Mashups.
The empty waterfall mashup (PTC.PerformanceAnalysis.EmptyWaterfall_MU) displays in the space for the main waterfall chart when no filters are applied.
The PTC.PerformanceAnalysis.EmptyWaterfall_MU mashup uses a single Label widget.
The PTC.PerformanceAnalysis.EmptyWaterfall_MU mashup has no input parameters.
The PTC.PerformanceAnalysis.EmptyWaterfall_MU mashup has no output parameters.
The PTC.PerformanceAnalysis.EmptyWaterfall_MU mashup uses no services.