KPI Analysis Building Block
The KPI Analysis block provides the ability to access the database level, request for metric information, and provide business logic calculation for the Scorecard tool.
The KPI analysis building block is comprised of an abstract building block (PTC.KPIAnalysis) and an implementation building block (PTC.KPIAnalysisImpl). You can view the contents of these building blocks by viewing the PTC.KPIAnalysis and PTC.KPIAnalysisImpl projects in ThingWorx Composer.
The PTC.KPIAnalysis project has the following dependencies:
• PTC.Base
• PTC.Metric
The PTC.KPIAnalysisImpl project has the following dependencies:
• PTC.DBConnection
• PTC.DefaultConfiguration
• PTC.KPIAnalysis
• PTC.MetricImpl
• PTC.MaterialMasterImpl
• PTC.MfgModelImpl
• PTC.OperationKPIImpl