Work Center Additional Details Mashup
This mashup is designed to be easily replaced with a customized mashup so long as the customized mashup has the same inputs and outputs. For more information, see Replacing Modular Mashups.
The bottleneck mashup (
PTC.BottleneckAnalysis.WorkCenterAdditionalDetails_MU) displays the window opened by clicking the
View Details button in the
work center details mashup.
The PTC.BottleneckAnalysis.WorkCenterAdditionalDetails_MU mashup uses the following widgets:
• Multiple Label widgets, for the text strings and values.
• A Grid widget, for the demand table.
• A Button widget, for the Close button.
• An Icon widget, for the information icon that displays when there is no Total Demand
The input parameters for the PTC.BottleneckAnalysis.WorkCenterAdditionalDetails_MU mashup are:
• isDemandSetOnWorkCenter—A Boolean indicating whether the demand for the selected demand window is set on work centers (true) or set on materials (false).
• managerName—The name of the manager Thing from which the services on this mashup are run.
• workCenters—An infotable with the information for the work center represented by the bar that is selected in the chart.
• materialDemandWindowUid—UID of the demand window from the applied Demand Window filter.
The PTC.BottleneckAnalysis.WorkCenterAdditionalDetails_MU mashup has no output parameters.
The mashup uses the following dynamic services from the PTC.BottleneckAnalysis.Management_TS Thing Shape:
• GetWorkCenterDemandDetails—Retrieves the details for the selected work center: actual cycle time, scheduled time, TAKT time, and bottleneck impact.
• GetWorkCenterDemands—Retrieves the demand information for the work center, when demand for the selected demand window is set on materials.
• GetWorkCenterDetailsTitle—Retrieves the site, area, and work center names for the selected work center to use in the title.
• LocalizeToken—Retrieves the localized value used in the grid title.
Dynamic services allow you to select the entity to execute a service at runtime. In this case, the service can be executed from any entity that implements the
PTC.BottleneckAnalysis.Management_TS Thing Shape. For more information, see
Dynamic Services in the Mashup Builder section of the ThingWorx Help Center.