Implementation Model (Action Tracker Building Block)
The following diagram shows the relationships between the main Thing Shapes, Thing Templates, and Things in the Action Tracker building block, and their relationships with entities in other building blocks. The mashups included in the building block are also shown.
In the diagram, arrows with hollow heads and solid lines (
) indicate that an entity extends from the entity to which the arrow points, while arrows with hollow heads and dashed lines (
) indicate that an entity implements the entity to which the arrow points.
The significant entities in the Action Tracker building block include the following:
• PTC.ActionTracker—Project entity for the building block. Used to package and contain all building block entities. This inherits all services from ActionTracker.Manager_TT.
• PTC.ActionTracker.EntryPoint—Entry point Thing for the Action Tracker building block.
• PTC.ActionTracker.Manager—The manager Thing for the Action Tracker building block.
• PTC.ActionTracker.Manager_TT—Thing Template for the Action Tracker building block manager. All implementations will extend this template or directly implement the PTC.ActionTracker.Management_TS Thing Shape.
• PTC.ActionTracker.Management_TS—Management Thing Shape for the Action Tracker building block.
• PTC.ActionTracker.ActionsList_MU—Mashup that displays a list of action and the loss hours chart.
• PTC.ActionTracker.AddAction_MU—Mashup used to allow a user to fill in data for adding a new action to the list table.
• PTC.ActionTracker.EditAction_MU—Mashup used to allow the user to view and edit an action.
• PTC.ActionTracker.EditActionLossCategoryPopup_MU—Mashup used for the modal popup that allows the user to select losses.
• PTC.ActionTracker.ActionTaskCollection_MU—Mashup used for the collection widget cell for displaying a task.
• PTC.ActionTracker.TrendChart_MU—Mashup containing the action list grid.
• PTC.ActionTracker.MainFrame_MU—Main mashup container for the Action Tracker.
• PTC.ActionTracker.DetailTrendChart_MU—Line chart that represents the lost time measured in hours for a particular set of parameters, as saved on a particular action. This is calculated from the loss events table by using the parameters of the action, such as reason, equipment, and so on.
The complete list of entities in the building block can be found by viewing the PTC.ActionTracker project in ThingWorx Composer.