Edit Action Loss Category Popup Mashup
The loss category popup mashup (PTC.ActionTracker.EditActionLossCategoryPopup_MU) from the edit action screen displays the Select Reason window. It is launched by clicking on the Loss Reason field when creating or editing an action.
The Select Reason window.
The PTC.ActionTracker.EditActionLossCategoryPopup_MU mashup uses the following widgets:
A Label widget for the window title.
A Contained Mashup widget, which calls the PTC.ReasonCode.ReasonTree_MU mashup.
Multiple Button widgets:
For the Save button. This button is enabled when a reason is selected.
For the Cancel button.
The input parameters for the PTC.ActionTracker.EditActionLossCategoryPopup_MU mashup are:
defaultSelectedRows—Controls which row is selected in the reason tree.
selectedReason—The reason selected for the action.
previousReasonTreeNodeUid—The UID for the previously selected reason.
ThingName—The Thing name for the equipment that is set on the action.
The output parameters for the PTC.ActionTracker.EditActionLossCategoryPopup_MU mashup are:
defaultSelectedRows—Controls which row is selected in the reason tree.
selectedReason—The reason selected for the action.
LossCategoryUid—The UID of the reason category for the selected reason.
LossTypeUid—The UID of the reason type for the selected reason.
LossName—The name of the selected reason .
LossUid—UID for the selected reason.
reasonTreeNodeUid—UID for the reason tree node of the selected reason.
No services are used by the PTC.ActionTracker.EditActionLossCategoryPopup_MU mashup.
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