Edit Action Loss Category Popup Mashup
The loss category popup mashup (PTC.ActionTracker.EditActionLossCategoryPopup_MU) from the edit action screen displays the Select Reason window. It is launched by clicking on the Loss Reason field when creating or editing an action.
The PTC.ActionTracker.EditActionLossCategoryPopup_MU mashup uses the following widgets:
• A Label widget for the window title.
• A Contained Mashup widget, which calls the PTC.ReasonCode.ReasonTree_MU mashup.
• Multiple Button widgets:
◦ For the Save button. This button is enabled when a reason is selected.
◦ For the Cancel button.
The input parameters for the PTC.ActionTracker.EditActionLossCategoryPopup_MU mashup are:
• defaultSelectedRows—Controls which row is selected in the reason tree.
• selectedReason—The reason selected for the action.
• previousReasonTreeNodeUid—The UID for the previously selected reason.
• ThingName—The Thing name for the equipment that is set on the action.
The output parameters for the PTC.ActionTracker.EditActionLossCategoryPopup_MU mashup are:
• defaultSelectedRows—Controls which row is selected in the reason tree.
• selectedReason—The reason selected for the action.
• LossCategoryUid—The UID of the reason category for the selected reason.
• LossTypeUid—The UID of the reason type for the selected reason.
• LossName—The name of the selected reason .
• LossUid—UID for the selected reason.
• reasonTreeNodeUid—UID for the reason tree node of the selected reason.
No services are used by the PTC.ActionTracker.EditActionLossCategoryPopup_MU mashup.