Key Services (Action Building Block)
The action building block contains CRUD services for the action and task database tables. You can view all services in this building block on the Services page of the PTC.ActionImpl.Manager Thing.
The following key actions are executed from the PTC.ActionImpl.Manager Thing:
• AddActions—Creates one or more new actions.
• AddTasks—Creates one or more new tasks.
• DeleteAction—Deletes an action and its associated tasks.
• DeleteActions—Deletes multiple actions and their associated tasks.
• DeleteTask—Deletes the task.
• DeleteTasksByActionUid—Deletes all the tasks associated with an action.
• GetAction—Retrieves the data for a particular action UID.
• GetActions—Returns all rows of action table.
• GetTask—Retrieves the task list for a particular Action UID.
• GetTasks—Returns all rows of task table.
• UpdateActions—Updates one or more actions by UID.
• UpdateTasks—Updates one or more tasks by UID.