Implementation Model (Work Instructions Building Block)
The following diagram shows the relationships between the main Thing Templates and Things in the work instructions building block, and their relationships with entities in other building blocks.
In the diagram, arrows with hollow heads and solid lines (
) indicate that an entity extends from the entity to which the arrow points, and arrows with open heads and dashed lines (
) indicate that an entity has a dependency upon services on the entity to which the arrow points.
The significant entities in the work instructions building block include the following:
• PTC.SCA.SCO.EntryPoint—Entry point Thing for the work instructions building block.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.DefaultProductionOrderManager—Default production order manager Thing.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.DefaultOperatorAdvisorFileRepository—Thing representing the default file repository for work instructions.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.MPMLink_ODataConnector—Default Thing for the MPMLink ODataConnector.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.MPMLinkWorkDefinitionConverter—Thing used to map processing resource information to the work instruction object model.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.MPMLinkWorkDefinitionCustomMappings—Thing that provides services for customizing the mapping of source system attributes to properties on work instruction entities during process plan conversion.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.ProductionOrderUtils—Thing with services that support the UI.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.EntryPoint_TT—Thing Template for the entry point for the PTC.SCA.SCO work instructions building block.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.JobOrderManagerThingTemplate—Thing Template for the job order manager.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.OperatorAdvisorFileRepositoryThingTemplate—Thing Template for the work instructions file repository.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.JobOrderUtilsThingTemplate—Thing Template for the job order utilities.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.MPMLinkWorkDefinitionCustomMappingsTemplate—Thing Template that provides services for customizing the mapping of source system attributes to properties on work instruction entities during process plan conversion.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.WorkDefinitionConverterThingTemplate—Thing Template for the work definition converter Thing.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.EnumerationManagementThingShape—Thing Shape that holds all the necessary properties and services for manipulating enumeration definitions in the database.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.OperatorAdvisorFileRepositoryThingShape—Thing Shape for the work instructions file repository.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.JobOrderThingShape—Thing Shape that holds all necessary properties and services to get the current job order.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.JobOrderManagementThingShape—Thing Shape that holds all the necessary properties and services for manipulating job order definitions in the database.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.JobOrderManagerThingShape—Thing Shape for the job order manager.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.JobOrderUtilsThingShape—Thing Shape for the job order utilities.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.ManagerThingShape—Thing Shape for the common services for managers for the PTC.SCA.SCO building block.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.MaterialManagementThingShape—Thing Shape that holds all the necessary properties and services for manipulating material definitions in the database.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.MPMLinkWorkDefinitionCustomMappingsThingShape—Thing Shape that provides services for customizing the mapping of source system attributes to properties on work instruction entities during process plan conversion.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.PersonnelManagementThingShape—Thing Shape that holds all the necessary properties and services for manipulating personnel definitions in the database.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.ProcessingResourceManagementThingShape—Thing Shape that holds all the necessary properties and services for manipulating processing resource definitions in the database.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.WorkDefinitionConnectorThingShape—Thing Shape that holds all necessary properties and services for retrieving processing resource information from MPMLink.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.WorkDefinitionConverterThingShape—Thing Shape that holds all necessary properties and services for converting processing resource information from MPMLink.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.WorkDefinitionManagementThingShape—Thing Shape that holds all the necessary properties and services for manipulating work definition definitions in the database.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.WorkDefinitionUtilsThingShape—Thing Shape for work definition utilities.
• PTC.SCA.SCO.OperatorAdvisorContentProxyMediaEntity—Entity used to connect to external data.
The complete list of entities in the building block can be found by viewing the PTC.SCA.SCO project in ThingWorx Composer.