Key Services (Model Management Building Block)
The following key services are found in the model management building block. All services in this building block can be viewed by navigating to the Services page for the PTC.ModelManagementImpl.Manager Thing.
The following key services are found on the PTC.ModelManagementImpl.Manager Thing:
• AddModel—Adds a model entry to the database and also adds a Thing for the model.
• AddThing—Creates a Thing for the model based on the Data Shape name and base Thing Template values provided and also adds it to the project if a project name is provided.
• AddModelInternal—Contains all the logic for the functionality of the AddModel service. This service should not be called directly, but should only be called from the AddModel service.
• DeleteModel—Deletes a model entry from the database and removes the Thing from the network that has been passed in.
• DeleteModelInternal—Contains the logic for the functionality of the DeleteModel service. This service should not be called directly, but should only be called from the DeleteModel service.
• UpdateModel—Updates the model fields. The Thing name of a model cannot be updated and has validation in place.
• UpdateModelInternal—Contains the logic for the functionality of the UpdateModel service. This service should not be called directly, but should only be called from the UpdateModel service.
• All other services are basic CRUD services for Things, Thing Templates, Thing Shapes, tags, projects, models, model links, model classes, model class links, model- to-class links, and model types. Note: model classes, model class links, model to class links are not leveraged in the PTC.ModelManagementImpl.Manager Thing aside from the CRUD services.
The following diagrams show the sequence flow for key services: