Database Schema (Job Order Building Block)
The job order building block leverages the PTC.DBConnection building block to implement the database. All database configurations and rules can be found by examining the GetDBInfo service on the PTC.JobOrder.Manager Thing.
The following diagram shows the schema for the job order database objects:
The following Data Shapes in the PTC.JobOrder project define the objects in the database schema:
• JobOrder—Contains the fields for a job order.
• JobOrderDependency—Contains the fields for a dependency between job orders.
• JobOrderExecutionResponse—When a job order is created or there is an update of the job order dispatch status, a new JobOrderExecutionResponse entry is added.
• JoborderMaterialRequirement—Contains the fields for the required material for a job order.
• JoborderMaterialRequirementLink—Contains the fields for a relationship between a job order and a material requirement.
• JobOrderProcessingResourceRequirement—Contains fields for the processing resource of a job order. Helps to define or retrieve the processing resource that is assigned to the job order.
• JobOrderWorkDefinitionLink—Contains the fields for a relationship between a job order and a work definition.
These Data Shapes have a related
_AP Data Shape for the purpose of adding custom properties. For example, the
PTC.JobOrder.JobOrder Data Shape has an associated
PTC.JobOrder.JobOrder_AP Data Shape. For information on using these
_AP Data Shapes, see
Adding Custom Properties to Data Model Entities.