Setting Length for STRING Database Columns
With fresh installations, the length for most STRING type database columns is 255, with the following columns having a length of 4000:
• longdescription on the workdefinition database table
• value on the historicaldata database table
• illustrationurl on the workdefinitionillustration database table
The length for most STRING type database columns is 255.
To change the length of any additional STRING type database columns, run the following command, as appropriate for your database. The example commands increase the column length to 4000.
• For Postgres: ALTER TABLE <table name> ALTER COLUMN <column name> TYPE varchar(4000);
For example, for the illustrationame column on the workdefinitionillustration database table, run the command:
ALTER TABLE workdefinitionillustration ALTER COLUMN illustrationname TYPE varchar(4000);
• For MSSQL: ALTER TABLE <schema>.<table name> ALTER COLUMN <column name> VARCHAR (4000);
For example, for the illustrationame column on the workdefinitionillustration database table, for a database using the twschema schema, run the command:
ALTER TABLE twschema.workdefinitionillustration ALTER COLUMN illustrationname VARCHAR (4000);