Implementation Model (Database Connection Building Block)
The following diagram shows the relationships between the main Thing Shapes, Thing Templates, and Things in the database connection building block, and their relationships with entities in other building blocks.
In the diagram, arrows with hollow heads and solid lines (
) indicate that an entity extends from the entity to which the arrow points, and arrows with open heads and dashed lines (
) indicate that an entity has a dependency upon services on the entity to which the arrow points.
The significant entities in the database connection building block include the following:
• PTC.DBConnection.DataImportManager—Thing for importing data.
• PTC.DBConnection.EntryPoint—Entry point Thing for the database connection building block.
• PTC.DBConnection.HistoricalDataManager—Thing that holds all the necessary properties and services for manipulating historical data definitions in the database.
• PTC.DBConnection.HistoricalDataPurgeScheduler—Scheduler that purges data from the historical data database table. Time periods must be denoted in cron format. Default is once a day at midnight.
• PTC.DBConnection.LocalizationManager—Thing that manages services related to the localization of database strings using database tables.
• PTC.DBConnection.Manager—Thing that manages database-related services.
• PTC.DBConnection.OnActionProcessor—Thing for processing on-action events.
• PTC.DBConnection.PostActionHandler—Thing for dispatching post-action events.
• PTC.DBConnection.PostgresDatabase—Thing for the Postgres database.
• PTC.DBConnection.PreActionValidator—Thing for executing pre-action validations.
• PTC.DBConnection.QueryUtils—Thing providing query utility services.
• PTC.DBConnection.ServiceCallerUtils—Generic management utility to dynamically call specific services on a manager.
• PTC.DBConnection.SQLThingDatabase—Thing for connecting to a database.
• PTC.DBConnection.DataImportManager_TT—Thing Template for importing data.
• PTC.DBConnection.EntryPoint_TT—Thing Template for the database connection building block entry point.
• PTC.DBConnection.HistoricalDataManager_TT—Thing Template that holds all the necessary properties and services for manipulating historical data definitions in the database.
• PTC.DBConnection.Manager_TT—Thing Template for managing database-related services.
• PTC.DBConnection.OnActionProcessor_TT—Thing Template for processing on-action events.
• PTC.DBConnection.PostActionHandler_TT—Thing Template for dispatching post-action events.
• PTC.DBConnection.PreActionValidator_TT—Thing Template for pre-action validations.
• PTC.DBConnection.QueryUtils_TT—Thing Template providing query utility services.
• PTC.DBConnection.ServiceCallerUtils_TT—Thing Template for a generic management utility to dynamically call specific services on a manager.
• PTC.DBConnection.SQLThing_TT—Thing Template for database Things.
• PTC.DBConnection.ActionServiceCaller_TS—Thing Shape that holds all necessary properties and services for reading the ActionConfigurationSettings configuration table for pre-action, post-action, and on-action handling.
• PTC.DBConnection.Database_TS—Thing Shape that holds all necessary properties and services to modify or retrieve information about the database schema.
• PTC.DBConnection.DataImportManagement_TS—Thing Shape that holds all necessary properties and services to import data into the database.
• PTC.DBConnection.DBConfiguration_TS—Thing Shape for the database configuration.
• PTC.DBConnection.DBManagement_TS—Thing Shape that holds the basic database management services used by the manager to interact with the database.
• PTC.DBConnection.HistoricalDataManagement_TS—Thing Shape that holds all the necessary properties and services for manipulating historical data definitions in the database.
• PTC.DBConnection.Manager_TS—Thing Shape that holds all the necessary properties and services for manipulating database information.
• PTC.DBConnection.OnActionProcessor_TS—Thing Shape that holds all the necessary properties and services for manipulating on-action processing.
• PTC.DBConnection.PostActionHandler_TS—Thing Shape that holds all the necessary properties and services for manipulating post-action validation.
• PTC.DBConnection.PreActionValidator_TS—Thing Shape that holds all the necessary properties and services for manipulating pre-action validation.
• PTC.DBConnection.QueryUtils_TS—Thing Shape for query utilities.
• PTC.DBConnection.ServiceCallerUtils_TS—Thing Shape for a generic management utility to dynamically call specific services on a manager.
• PTC.DBConnection.ServiceConfiguration_TS—Thing Shape to manage service configuration for Data Shape.
• PTC.DBConnection.ActionConfiguration—Data Shape containing properties for the ActionConfigurationSettings configuration table for pre-action, post-action, and on-action handling.
• PTC.DBConnection.BatchAction—Data Shape containing properties for batch actions.
• PTC.DBConnection.BatchDelete—Data Shape containing properties for batch delete actions.
• PTC.DBConnection.DatabaseConfiguration—Data Shape used for the DefaultDatabaseConfiguration configuration table.
• PTC.DBConnection.DatabaseConnectionConfiguration—Data Shape used for the DatabaseValidationConfigurationTable configuration table.
• PTC.DBConnection.DatabaseSchemaValidation—Data Shape containing the fields to display the database schema validation output.
• PTC.DBConnection.DataChange—Data Shape containing properties for a data change.
• PTC.DBConnection.DBConnection—Data Shape defining the structure for the DatabaseConfigurationSettings configuration table.
• PTC.DBConnection.ForeignKeyReport—Data Shape containing properties for foreign key reports.
• PTC.DBConnection.HistoricalData—Data Shape containing properties to keep history of CRUD services for all managers.
• PTC.DBConnection.HistoricalDataLogConfig—Data Shape containing properties for historical data logging configurations.
• PTC.DBConnection.ManagerConfiguration—Data Shape for the ManagerConfigurationSettings configuration table.
• PTC.DBConnection.ServiceConfiguration—Data Shape for the ServiceConfigurationSettings configuration table on managers.
The complete list of entities in the building block can be found by viewing the PTC.DBConnection project in ThingWorx Composer.