cipjava Exceptions
The cipjava exceptions are thrown by classes in the com.ptc.cipjava package. With the exception of the intseq, realseq, boolseq, and stringseq classes, these classes are only used internally.
The following table describes these exceptions.
XInvalidArrayDimIndex, XInvalidArrayIndex, XInvalidDictIndex, XNegativeIndex
Illegal index value used when accessing a cipjava array, sequence, or dictionary. (The Creo Object TOOLKIT Java interface does not currently include any dictionary classes.)
Licensing error (license does not exist, lost, server down, etc.)
Communication synchronization problem between Creo and Creo Object TOOLKIT Java application. Restart the Creo Object TOOLKIT Java application.
Unknown exception occurred in another language. This usually signals a serious error (such as division by zero or class not found) that is related to the Creo Object TOOLKIT Java application.
XCannotConnect, XConnectionClosed, XFlushFailed
Communication problems between Creo and Creo Object TOOLKIT Java application.
Other, internal errors
Internal assertions that should not append and which need not be caught individually.
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