The methods described in this section work with notebook (.lay) files.
Methods introduced:
The method wfcModel.WLayout.Declare declares a notebook name to the specified Creo+ model or notebook. You can resolve conflicts using the enumerated type wfcModel.LayoutDeclareOption. It has the following values:
LAYOUT_DECLARE_INTERACTIVE— Resolves the conflict in interactive mode.
LAYOUT_DECLARE_OBJECT_SYMBOLS— Keep the symbols in the specified Creo+ model or notebook object.
LAYOUT_DECLARE_LAYOUT_SYMBOLS— Keep the symbols specified in the notebook.
LAYOUT_DECLARE_ABORT— abort the notebook declaration process and return an error.
Use the function wfcModel.WLayout.Undeclare to undeclare the notebook name to the specified Creo+ model or notebook. You can resolve conflicts using the enumerated type wfcModel.LayoutUndeclareOption. It has the following values:
LAYOUT_UNDECLARE_FORCE— Continues to undeclare the notebook even if references exist.
LAYOUT_UNDECLARE_CANCEL— Does not undeclare the notebook if references exist.
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