User's Guide > Action Listeners > Types of Action Listeners > Solid Level Action Listeners
Solid Level Action Listeners
Methods introduced:
The pfcSolidActionListener::OnBeforeRegen and pfcSolidActionListener::OnAfterRegen methods occur when the user regenerates a solid object within the pfcActionSource to which the listener is assigned. These methods take the first feature to be regenerated and a handle to the Solid object as arguments. In addition, the method pfcSolidActionListener::OnAfterRegen includes a Boolean argument that indicates whether regeneration was successful.
It is not recommended to modify geometry or dimensions using the pfcSolidActionListener::OnBeforeRegen method call.
A regeneration that did not take place because nothing was modified is identified as a regeneration failure.
The pfcSolidActionListener::OnBeforeUnitConvert and pfcSolidActionListener::OnAfterUnitConvert methods activate when a user modifies the unit scheme (by selecting the Creo Parametric command Set Up, Units). The methods receive the Solid object to be converted and a Boolean flag that identifies whether the conversion changed the dimension values to keep the object the same size.
SolidActionListeners can be registered with the session object so that its methods are called when these events occur for any solid model that is in session.
The pfcSolidActionListener::OnBeforeFeatureCreate method activates when the user starts to create a feature that requires the Feature Creation dialog box. Because this event occurs only after the dialog box is displayed, it will not occur at all for datums and other features that do not use this dialog box. This method takes two arguments: the solid model that will contain the feature and the ModelItem identifier.
The pfcSolidActionListener::OnAfterFeatureCreate method activates after any feature, including datums, has been created. This method takes the new Feature object as an argument.
The pfcSolidActionListener::OnAfterFeatureDelete method activates after any feature has been deleted. The method receives the solid that contained the feature and the (now defunct) pfcModelItem identifier.
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