Solid Edge Geometry
Methods Introduced:
The methods in the interface pfcEdge provide information only for solid or surface edges.
The methods pfcEdge::GetSurface1 and pfcEdge::GetSurface2 return the surfaces bounded by this edge. The methods pfcEdge::GetEdge1 and pfcEdge::GetEdge2 return the next edges in the two contours that contain this edge.
The method pfcEdge::EvalUV evaluates geometry information based on the UV parameters of one of the bounding surfaces.
The method pfcEdge::GetDirection returns a positive 1 if the edge is parameterized in the same direction as the containing contour, and –1 if the edge is parameterized opposite to the containing contour.
Use the method wfcWEdge::GetEdgeType to return the type of the specified edge.
Use the method wfcWEdge::GetEdgeVertexData to get a list of the edges and surfaces that meet at a specified solid vertex using the enumerated type wfcEdgeEndType. This method returns NULL if the specified edge is not visible in the current geometry.
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