Relation Function Options
Methods Introduced:
Use the method pfcRelationFunctionOptions::Create to create the pfcRelationFunctionOptions object containing the options to enable or disable various relation function related features. Use the methods listed above to access and modify the options. These options are as follows:
ArgumentTypes—The types of arguments in the form of the pfcRelationFunctionArgument object. By default, this parameter is null, indicating that no arguments are permitted.
Use the method pfcRelationFunctionArgument::Create to create the pfcRelationFunctionArgument object containing the attributes of the arguments passed to the custom relation function.
These attributes are as follows:
Type—The type of argument value such as double, integer, and so on in the form of the pfcParamValueType object.
IsOptional—This boolean attribute specifies whether the argument is optional, indicating that it can be skipped when a call to the custom relation function is made. The optional arguments must fall at the end of the argument list. By default, this attribute is false.
EnableTypeChecking—This boolean attribute determines whether or not to check the argument types internally. By default, it is false. If this attribute is set to false, Creo does not need to know the contents of the arguments array. The custom function must handle all user errors in such a situation.
EnableArgumentCheckMethod—This boolean attribute determines whether or not to enable the arguments check listener function. By default, it is false.
EnableExpressionEvaluationMethod—This boolean attribute determines whether or not to enable the evaluate listener function. By default, it is true.
EnableValueAssignmentMethod—This boolean attribute determines whether or not to enable the value assignment listener function. By default, it is false.
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