Note Properties
Methods Introduced:
The method
wfcWDetailNoteItem::GetGTol returns the detail note that represents a shown geometric tolerance.
The method
wfcWDetailNoteItem::GetElbowDirection retrieves the direction of elbow in a note in model coordinate system . For flat-to-screen notes, the method retrieves the elbow direction in screen coordinate system.
The methods
wfcWDetailNoteItem::GetLeaderStyle and
wfcWDetailNoteItem::SetLeaderStyle retrieve and set the leader style used for the note. The valid values of the leader style are specified by the enumerated data type
• wfcLEADER_STYLE_STANDARD—Specifies that the leader style used for the note is standard.
• wfcLEADER_STYLE_ISO—Specifies that the leader style used for the note is ISO.
The method
wfcWDetailNoteItem::Get3DLineEnvelope retrieves the envelope of a line for a specified note .
The method
wfcWDetailNoteItem::GetLegacyLeaderNoteLength retrieves the length of a leader line in a note.
The method
wfcWDetailNoteItem::GetLegacyLeaderNoteDirection retrieves the direction of the leader line in a note .
Creo Parametric adds hard line breaks to the multiple lines drawing notes created in Creo Elements/Pro during retrieval. The hard line breaks display the text of the note on separate lines in the Note Properties dialog box as they actually appear in the drawing note.