User's Guide > Feature Element Tree > Feature Element Tree
Feature Element Tree
Methods Introduced:
The Feature Element Tree (FET) is represented by wfcElementTree object. This class has methods that can obtain the list of elements in the element tree or obtain a specific feature element by its path, as well as querying element type (array, compound, and multi-valued).
This type is not stored within wfcElement object. It is the property of wfcElementTree.
The method wfcElementTree::CreateDtmCsysElemTreeFromFile allocates required steps of the element tree to create coordinate system from a transformation file.
The input argument filename should be name of the file with the extension .trf. The name must be in lowercase only. The file should contain a coordinate transform such as:
X1 X2 X3 Tx
Y1 Y2 Y3 Ty
Z1 Z2 Z3 Tz
X1 Y1 Z1 is the X-axis direction,
X2 Y2 Z2 is the Y-axis direction,
X3 Y3 Z3 is not used (the right hand rule determines the Z direction),
Tx Ty Tz is the origin of the coordinate system.
Use the method wfcElementTree::WriteElementTreeToFile to save the full FET to a file.
Use the method wfcWSession::CreateElementTreeFromXML to build the FET from an XML file. The method wfcWSession::CreateElementTree builds the element tree from start. If the FET is built from start, all the mandatory elements in the element tree must to be populated and added sequentially in the sequence wfcElements.
The method wfcWFeature::GetElementTree creates a copy of the feature element tree that describes the contents of a specified feature. The specified feature can be a regular feature or a pattern.
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