External Object Display Properties
Methods introduced:
By default, when users spin or zoom in on a model, external objects are subjected to the same spin and zoom scale as the model. In addition, by default external objects are always displayed, even if the owner or reference objects are suppressed. Setting external object display properties within display data enables you to change these default behaviors.
The method wfcExternalObjectData::GetType retrieves the type of property in specified external object data. To specify which type of property you want to retrieve, pass one of the values in the enumerated type wfcExternalObjectDataType to this method.
The methods wfcExternalObjectDisplayData::GetProperties and wfcExternalObjectDisplayData::SetProperties retrieve and set the display properties in the specified display data. The input argument to the method wfcExternalObjectDisplayData::SetProperties are the display properties in the wfcExternalObjectDisplayDataProperties object.
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