User's Guide > Drawings > Drawing Views > Drawing View Display Information
Drawing View Display Information
Methods Introduced:
The method wfcDrawingViewDisplay::Create creates a new instance of the wfcDrawingViewDisplay object that contains information about the display styles being used in a view.
The methods wfcDrawingViewDisplay::GetCableDisp and wfcDrawingViewDisplay::SetCableDisp get and set the style used to display the cables. You can set the cable style using the object wfcCableDisplay:
wfcCABLEDISP_DEFAULT—Uses the display setting from Creo Parametric Options dialog box, under Entity Display, Cable display settings.
wfcCABLEDISP_CENTERLINE—Displays centerlines of cables and wires.
wfcCABLEDISP_THICK—Displays cables and wires as a thick lines.
wfcCableDisplay_nilNULL value.
In a view, you can define whether to show or hide the skeleton model. The methods wfcDrawingViewDisplay::GetConceptModel and wfcDrawingViewDisplay::SetConceptModel get and set the status of skeleton models. If you set the value as True, then the skeleton model is displayed.
The methods wfcDrawingViewDisplay::GetDispStyle and wfcDrawingViewDisplay::SetDispStyle get and set the display style of the model geometry. You can set the display style using the object pfcDisplayStyle:
pfcDISPSTYLE_DEFAULT—When you import drawings from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 or earlier releases that were saved with the Default option, this option is retained for these drawings. Once you update these drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 and later releases, the wfcDISPSTYLE_DEFAULT option changes to wfcDISPSTYLE_FOLLOW_ENVIRONMENT.
pfcDISPSTYLE_WIREFRAME—Shows all edges in wireframe style.
pfcDISPSTYLE_HIDDEN_LINE—Shows all edges in hidden line style.
pfcDISPSTYLE_NO_HIDDEN—Removes all hidden edge from view display.
pfcDISPSTYLE_SHADED—Shows the view in shaded display mode.
pfcDISPSTYLE_FOLLOW_ENVIRONMENT—Uses the current configuration settings for display.
pfcDISPSTYLE_SHADED_WITH_EDGES—Shows the model as a shaded solid along with its edges.
You can remove the hidden lines in a quilt. The methods wfcDrawingViewDisplay::GetQuiltHLR and wfcDrawingViewDisplay::SetQuiltHLR get and set the hidden line removal property in quilts.
The methods wfcDrawingViewDisplay::GetTanEdgeDisplay and wfcDrawingViewDisplay::SetTanEdgeDisplay get and set the display style for tangent edges. You can set the tangent edge display style using the object wfcTangentEdgeDisplay:
wfcTANEDGE_DEFAULT—Uses the default settings.
wfcTANEDGE_NONE—Turns off the display of tangent edges
wfcTANEDGE_CENTERLINE—Displays tangent edges in centerline font.
wfcTANEDGE_PHANTOM—Displays tangent edges in phantom font.
wfcTANEDGE_DIMMED—Displays tangent edges in dimmed system color.
wfcTANEDGE_SOLID—Displays tangent edges as solid lines.
You can show and hide the weld cross-sections in a drawing. The methods wfcDrawingViewDisplay::GetWeldXSec and wfcDrawingViewDisplay::SetWeldXSec get and set the display of weld cross-sections in a drawing.
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