User's Guide > Drawings > Drawing Dimensions > Drawing Dimensions Information
Drawing Dimensions Information
Methods Introduced:
The method pfcDrawing::IsDimensionAssociative checks if the dimension or reference dimension is associative.
The method pfcDimension2D::GetIsReference determines whether the dimension is a reference dimension.
The method pfcDrawing::IsDimensionDisplayed checks if the dimension is displayed in the drawing or soild.
The method pfcDrawing::GetDimensionAttachPoints returns a sequence of attachment points for the dimension. The array of dimension senses returned by the method pfcDimension2D::GetDimensionSenses gives more information on how these attachments are interpreted. It gives information about how the dimension is attached to each attachment point of the model.
The method pfcDrawing::GetDimensionSenses returns a sequence of dimension senses, describing how the dimension is attached to each attachment returned by the method pfcDrawing::GetDimensionAttachPoints.
The method pfcDrawing::GetDimensionOrientHint returns the orientation of the dimensions in case where this cannot be deduced from the attachment themselves. The orientation of the dimensions is given by the enumerated type pfcDimOrientationHint. The orientation determines how Creo will orient the dimension with respect to the attachment points.
This methods described above are applicable only for dimensions created in the drawing or the solid mode. It does not support dimensions created at intersection points of entities.
The method pfcDrawing::GetBaselineDimension returns an ordinate baseline dimension. It returns a null value if the dimension is not an ordinate dimension.
The method updates the display of the dimension only if it is currently displayed.
The method pfcDrawing::GetDimensionLocation returns the placement location of the dimension.
The method pfcDrawing::GetDimensionView returns the drawing view in which the dimension is displayed. For dimensions created in drawing mode and owned by a solid, which can be displayed only in the context of that drawing, the method returns the drawing view. The method returns NULL if the dimension is not attached to a drawing view.
The method pfcDimension2D::GetTolerance retrieves the upper and lower tolerance limits of the drawing dimension in the form of the pfcDimTolerance object. A null value indicates a nominal tolerance.
The method pfcDrawing::IsDimensionToleranceDisplayed checks if the dimension tolerance is displayed in the drawing or solid.
The method wfcWDrawing::GetDimensionPath extracts the component path for a dimension displayed in a drawing.
The method wfcWDrawing::GetDualDimensionOptions retrieves information about the various options of dual dimensioning in a drawing as a wfcDualDimensionGlobalOptions object.
Use the method wfcDualDimensionGlobalOptions::GetDualDimensionType to get the display style of dual dimensions. The display type is given by the enumerated type wfcDualDimensionDisplayType. The valid values are:
wfcSECONDARY_DIM_DISPLAY_OFF— Turns off display of dual dimension.
wfcSECONDARY_DIM_DISPLAY_TOP—Displays the secondary dimension on top of the primary dimension. The primary dimension is displayed in brackets.
wfcSECONDARY_DIM_DISPLAY_BOTTOM— Displays the secondary dimension below the primary dimension. The secondary dimension is displayed in brackets.
wfcSECONDARY_DIM_DISPLAY_LEFT— Displays the secondary dimension to the left of the primary dimension. The primary dimension is displayed in brackets.
wfcSECONDARY_DIM_DISPLAY_RIGHT— Displays the secondary dimension to the right of the primary dimension. The secondary dimension is displayed in brackets.
wfcSECONDARY_DIM_DISPLAY_ONLY— Displays only the secondary dimension.
Use the method wfcDualDimensionGlobalOptions::GetSecondaryUnit to retrieve the type of units used for the secondary dimension.
The method wfcDualDimensionGlobalOptions::GetDigitsDifference retrieves the number of decimal places that a secondary dimension contains as compared to the primary dimension in a dual dimension.
The method wfcDualDimensionGlobalOptions::AreBracketsAllowed checks if one of the dimensions of a dual dimension is displayed in brackets.
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