Component Path Information
Methods Introduced:
The method pfcComponentPath::GetRoot returns the assembly at the head of the component path object.
The method pfcComponentPath::SetRoot setsthe assembly at the head of the component path object as the root assembly.
The method pfcComponentPath::GetComponentIds returns the sequence of ids which is the path to the particular component.
The method pfcComponentPath::SetComponentIds sets the path from the root assembly to the component through various subassemblies containing this component.
The method pfcComponentPath::GetLeaf returns the solid model at the end of the component path.
The method pfcComponentPath::GetTransform returns the coordinate system transformation between the assembly and the particular component. It has an option to provide the transformation from bottom to top, or from top to bottom. This method describes the current position and the orientation of the assembly component in the root assembly.
The method pfcComponentPath::SetTransform applies a temporary transformation to the assembly component, similar to the transformation that takes place in an exploded state. The transformation will only be applied if the assembly is using DynamicPositioning.
The method pfcComponentPath::GetIsVisible identifies if a particular component is visible in any simplified representation.
The methods wfcSubstituteComponent::GetSubCompPath and wfcSubstituteComponent::GetSubCompFeat return the component path and handle to the component feature of the substituted component.
The method wfcWComponentPath::GetSubstituteComponent returns the component path and handle to the substituted component, when the replacing component is a simplified representation. The method wfcWComponentPath::GetSubstitutionType returns the substitution type of the simplified representation using the enumerated type wfcSubstitutionType:
wfcSUBSTITUTE_NONE—Specifies that no substitution type has been defined.
wfcSUBSTITUTE_INTERCHG—Specifies that the component is substituted with an interchange assembly component or a family table.
wfcSUBSTITUTE_PRT_REP—Specifies that the part is substituted with a simplified representation.
wfcSUBSTITUTE_ASM_REP—Specifies that the assembly is substituted with a simplified representation.
wfcSUBSTITUTE_ENVELOPE—Specifies that the assembly is substituted with an envelope.
wfcSubstitutionType_nilNULL value.
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