Range Restriction
The pfcPARAMSELECT_RANGE type of parameter restriction is represented by the interface pfcParameterRange. It is a child of the pfcParameterRestriction interface.
Methods Introduced:
The method pfcParameterRange::GetMaximum returns the maximum value limit for the parameter in the form of the pfcParameterLimit object.
The method pfcParameterRange::GetMinimum returns the minimum value limit for the parameter in the form of the pfcParameterLimit object.
The method pfcParameterLimit::GetType returns the pfcParameterLimitType containing the types of parameter limits. The parameter limits are of the following types:
pfcPARAMLIMIT_LESS_THAN—Specifies that the parameter must be less than the indicated value.
pfcPARAMLIMIT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL—Specifies that the parameter must be less than or equal to the indicated value.
pfcPARAMLIMIT_GREATER_THAN—Specifies that the parameter must be greater than the indicated value.
pfcPARAMLIMIT_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL—Specifies that the parameter must be greater than or equal to the indicated value.
The method pfcParameterLimit::GetValue returns the boundary value of the parameter limit in the form of the pfcParamValue object.
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