Annotation Associativity
The methods described in this section allow you to ensure associativity between shown annotations in drawings and 3D models. You can independently control the position associativity and attachment associativity of a drawing annotation.
• Drawing annotations can have only uni-directional associativity, that is, changes to the position and attachment of the annotation in the 3D model are reflected for the annotation in the drawing view, but not vice-versa.
• You cannot modify the position associativity and attachment associativity of a drawing annotation from the 3D model.
• You cannot make free, flat-to-screen annotations in a drawing view associative to the annotations in the 3D model.
• Annotation properties such as text, jogs, breaks, skew, witness line clippings, and flip arrow states are not associative.
Methods Introduced:
The method
wfcAnnotation::IsAssociative checks if a given annotation in a drawing view is associative to the annotation in the 3D model.
The method
wfcAnnotation::GetAttachmentAssociativity retrieves the associativity of the attachment using the enumerated data type
wfcAnnotationAttachmentAssociativity. The valid values are as follows:
• wfcANNOTATTACH_ASSOCIATIVITY_NONE—Specifies that the drawing annotation is not associative.
• wfcANNOTATTACH_ASSOCIATIVITY_PARTIAL—Specifies that the drawing annotation is partially associative.
• wfcANNOTATTACH_ASSOCIATIVITY_FULL— Specifies that the drawing annotation is fully associative.
The method
wfcAnnotation::UpdatePosition updates the position of the drawing annotation, and makes it associative to the position of the annotation in the 3D model. Pass the input argument
Drawing of the method as a
pfcDrawing object.
You can update the associative position only for drawing annotations that have their placement based on model coordinates.
The method
wfcAnnotation::UpdateAttachment updates the attachment of the drawing annotation, and makes it associative to the attachment of the annotation in the 3D model. Associative attachment of an annotation refers to both – its references and its attachment point on its references.
You can update the associative attachment only for drawing annotations that are attached to the geometry.