Configuring Ports
A port is a terminal or pin that can connect to other port. Connections in a design are always made between port. Ports can be directional, outgoing or incoming. A port always has a parent block, group, or fiber, but can connect to any other port irrespective of the parent.
1. In the ribbon, click Diagramming.
2. From the
Explorers group, click
Catalog Explorer.
3. In the Catalog Explorer dialog box, choose Ports from the Type drop down list.
4. Select a folder where you would like to create the new port.
5. Click

to create a new port.
6. Select the newly created Artifact.
7. Right-click and choose Properties.
8. In the Port Properties dialog box, edit the name to Port.
9. Click Add.
10. In the Parameter selector dialog box, select name_format and click OK.
11. In the Port Properties dialog, select name_format.
12. Edit the
Parameter value to
# and click
