Creo Schematics Help Center > Design Basics > Working with a Central Catalog > To Synchronize the Internal and Central Catalogs
To Synchronize the Internal and Central Catalogs
Internal Catalog items must be re-linked to the Central Catalog whenever you open a design with a dependent catalog. It may be necessary to synchronize the Internal Catalog with the Central Catalog. When a synchronization error occurs, the Catalog Synchronization Required dialog box opens. When the Internal Catalog is not synchronized with the Central Catalog, it becomes independent. Verify the catalog to resolve errors. You can verify the Internal Catalog whenever you are notified of changes to the Central Catalog.
To Synchronize Catalogs When Opening a Design
1. Open a design. The Catalog Synchronization Required dialog box opens.
2. Click Details to view items with missing links to the Central Catalog item. The Catalog Items Requiring Link dialog box opens.
3. View the errors and individual failures.
4. Click Close.
5. Click OK to accept all system resolutions, or click Cancel. The design opens. When you click Cancel, the design becomes independent.
To Verify the Internal Catalog
1. In a design with a dependent catalog, The system checks all design objects against those in the Central Catalog. Use one of the following commands to verify the catalog.
Right-click the catalog status icon and then click Verify Catalog
Click Design > Verify Catalog.
The Catalog Verify Results and Resolution dialog box opens.
While the system is verifying the catalog, the icon appears as the catalog status. You can right-click the icon to stop verifying the catalog. When you cancel the Verify Catalog command, the design is disconnected from the central catalog. This happens even when it was connected to the central catalog before you started catalog verification.
2. Click the Show in List check box to display the Individual failures list for an error in the list.
3. Resolve errors by performing one of the following steps:
To globally resolve all items of a selected error, right-click a row in the Error list and select an option from the shortcut menu.
To resolve an individual error, right-click a row in the Individual failures list and select an option from the shortcut menu,
Select an option from the Resolution list.
4. Click OK.