To Set the Color of Global Shapes
1. Click > . The Color Setup dialog box opens.
2. To change the color of a global shape or label to one of the System Colors, click the color square and drag the pointer to one of the Class Colors squares.
◦ Blocks—Sets the global color for blocks.
◦ Groups—Sets the global color for fixed groups.
◦ Variable—Sets the global color for variable groups.
◦ Ports—Sets the global color for ports.
◦ Fibers—Sets the global color for fibers.
◦ Labels—Sets the global color for sheet labels.
3. To change the color to a custom color, click the color box next to the shape in the Class Colors area. A + appears in a color square in the System Colors area.
4. Click Edit. The Define Color dialog box opens.
5. Select a new color or type new values in the Red, Green, and Blue boxes.
6. Set the Hue, Lum, and Sat options as required.
7. Click OK. The color changes in the System Colors square and in the Class Colors square.
8. To apply the colors on the design sheet, click Colorize.
9. To restore an original color, select the square in the System Colors area and click Reset.
10. To cancel all color settings click Reset All in the System Colors area.
11. Click OK.