Creo Schematics Help Center > Working with Designs > Reports > To Set Report Inclusion Criteria
To Set Report Inclusion Criteria
1. In the Format report dialog box, click Criteria. The Criteria tab opens.
2. To add a parameter, click Add Parameter Column. The Parameter Selector dialog box opens.
3. Select a parameter and click Apply to select additional parameters or OK. The selected parameter is added to the table.
4. To change the operator, click the arrow next to the Operator list and select an operator from the list.
5. To set a value, clear the Unset check box and type a value in the Value box.
6. To add a predefined parameter format function to the table, follow the steps below.
a. Click Add [fn(x)]. A new row is added to the table.
b. Click [fn(x)] next to the Parameter Format box. The Select a function dialog box opens.
c. Select a function in the list.
d. Click OK.
7. To call a custom Java method, click Add [fn(x)] and type the method call in the Parameter Format box.
8. To delete a row in the table, click Delete.
9. Continue formatting the report, or run the report.