To Search for a Command
1. Click

. A box appears.
2. Type a command name. As you start typing, the commands, with their respective icon, that match the string are listed.
3. To refine the search, right-click and choose Setup. The Command Search Settings dialog box opens.
◦ Click or clear a check box to search for the following command types:
▪ Commands—Searches for standard commands.
▪ Custom commands—Searches for custom commands.
◦ Click or clear a check box to specify options.
▪ Search in tooltip—Searches in tooltips.
▪ Match case—Searchs only for commands that match the case of the word or phrase typed.
◦ Set the Match criteria
▪ Any word beginning with—Searches for commands that begin with the string typed in the search box.
▪ Containing—Searches for commands that contain the string typed in the search box.
▪ Ending with—Searches for commands that end with the string typed in the search box.
| Command search settings are saved in the <drive>:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\PTC\Creo\Schematics directory. |
4. Click OK.
5. Start typing a command name in the box. As you type, the command names that match the search criteria are listed.
6. To preview the command location in the interface, move the pointer over a command in the list. The location is indicated by a different color background.
7. To execute a command, click it in the list.