To Import a Terminator Table
1. In an open design, click Data > Terminator Table. The Terminator Table dialog box opens.
2. Click File > Import Table. The Import Terminator Table dialog box opens.
3. Browse to the required folder in the pane on the right.
4. Select the required terminator table from the list on the left.
You may need to change the file type from CSV to TTB.
5. Click OK. The terminator table appears in the Terminator Table dialog box.
6. Click to apply the terminator table to the pins in the design.
7. Click OK to save the terminator table, or click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving the table.
When you save the design after importing the terminator table, the terminator table is saved with the design. The table appears in the Terminator Table dialog box the next time you open the design.