To Import a Design Properties File
1. In an open design, click > > . The Import Design Properties dialog box opens.
2. Type the file path and name of a properties file to import, or click Browse. The Select Import File dialog box opens.
3. Browse to a *.props file and click OK.
4. To compare file contents to the current design and view any conflicts, select the Review the imported design properties check box.
5. Click Next. The Review the imported design properties dialog box opens. New and modified design properties appear on the left.
6. Expand the New and Modified folders and subfolders to view conflicts identified by the following icons:
—Warning: the item is imported but may require special handling.
—Error: an unresolveable conflict exists with the item.
7. To view the item causing the conflict, select the design property causing the conflict. The items contained in the property appear in the list on the right. Items causing conflicts are identified by the symbols above.
8. When conflicts cannot be resolved, click Cancel.
9. Click Import. Check the message area for importing errors.
10. When there are errors, click Cancel.
11. When there are no errors, click Finish.