To Customize the Quick Access Toolbar
You can customize the Quick Access Toolbar from the toolbar, the ribbon, or the File menu. An additional procedure for adding commands to the toolbar is at the end of the topic.
From the Quick Access Toolbar
1. Click the arrow at the right of the quick access toolbar. By default, all options are selected.
2. To remove a command from the toolbar follow one of the procedures below.
Right click the button and select Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.
Click the arrow at the right of the quick access toolbar and clear the command check box.
3. To restore a button to the toolbar, click the arrow at the right of the quick access toolbar and select the command.
4. To add additional commands, click More Commands. The Customize: Quick Access Toolbar page of the Creo Schematics Options dialog box opens.
5. Click Show Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon to display the quick access toolbar under the ribbon and above the graphics window.
From the Ribbon
1. Right-click the ribbon and choose Customize Quick Access Toolbar. The Creo Schematics Options dialog box opens.
From the File Menu
1. Click File > Options. The Creo Schematics Options dialog box opens.
2. Click Quick Access Toolbar.
Adding Commands to the Quick Access Toolbar
1. Open the Customize: Quick Access Toolbar page using one of the methods above.
2. Select an option from the Category list.
3. Select a command in the list on the left and click Add. The command is added to the Quick Access Toolbar.
4. To remove a command from the Quick Access Toolbar, select it from the list on the right and click Remove.
5. To move a command, select it in the list on the right and click an arrow on the right to move the command up or down in the list.
6. To restore the default Quick Access Toolbar, click the arrow next to Reset and select an option.
Reset only selected Quick Access Toolbar—Restores the default commands and order to the Quick Access Toolbar.
Reset all Ribbon tabs and Quick Access Toolbar customizations—Restores the default commands and order to all tabs and the Quick Access Toolbar.
7. To import a customization file, click Import.
8. To export a customization file, click Export