To Create a Shape
1. With a design open, click Diagramming > Catalog Explorer. The Catalog Explorer opens.
2. Select the type from the Type box.
3. In the Folder list, click the folder with the artifact for which you want to create the shape.
4. In the artifact list, select the catalog item artifact.
5. Click . The Catalog Selector opens.
6. Select a template and click OK. The new shape appears in the Shapes list.
7. Click to open the sheet and draw the shape. The Catalog tab opens.
Modify the parameters:
Click on the right of the Shapes list to modify shape properties and parameters.
Right-click the selected sheet and choose Sheet Parameters from the shortcut menu to modify the sheet parameters.
Drag the Catalog Explorer out of the way, or close it.
8. Click Geometry and select line tools to draw the shape.
Use the buttons on the In-graphics toolbar or the View tab Grid group to add or activate a grid to aid in drawing.
9. When you create a group, make sure to instance the group members:
Using the Catalog Explorer
Using the Diagramming tab
10. Click Set Datum, and then click in the shape to place the datum point.
11. Click Add Label to add a label.
12. Click Close Sheet.
The diagram type is automatically selected based on the active sheet. If no sheets are open the default type is block.
To set a default template sheet for all new shapes, click Design > Design Properties > Default Templates.