To Create a Predefined Cable
1. Create a new fiber and set the property type to CONNECTION!WIRE!WIRING_WIRE. Click OK.
2. Right-click and choose New Shape from the shortcut menu. A new shape appears in the Fibershapes list.
3. Create as many fibers as necessary for the different types of cable core.
It is recommended to use a single fiber artifact and multiple shapes. Use datasets and the layer property to control the wire color on the sheet.
4. Select Groups from the Type list.
5. Create a group and set the property type to CONNECTION!CABLE. Click OK.
6. Click to create a new groupshape. The group appears in the Groupshapes list with a default name.
7. Click . The shape opens in the graphics window and the Catalog tab opens.
8. Click Geometry and draw three vertical construction lines to represent the edges of the connector and the middle of the cable.
9. Click Catalog > to draw primary cores, other cables (to make multi-level cables) and shield cores. The Select a core fiber dialog box opens.
10. To instance a fiber, select a core to place on the catalog sheet. To place a cable or a shield, click Cancel. In the main window, right-click, choose Select new cable or Select shield core from the shortcut menu, and then select the required object.
11. The new core or cable automatically appears between the rightmost and leftmost construction line and follows the vertical movements of the pointer.
12. Click to place the new core as required.
13. When all cores are placed, right-click and choose Exit from the shortcut menu.
14. Add cable decorations and shield ports as necessary.
Cable decorations placed between the left and middle construction lines apply to the beginning of the fiber route. Cable decorations placed between the right and middle construction lines apply to the end of the fiber route. It is thus possible to create a mirrored (or non-symmetric) look for multidecorated cables.
15. Click to place the datum point. Select a core and place the datum point on it. This is the core to route when the cable is instanced.