Creo Schematics Help Center > Working with Designs > Wiring > Cables > To Create a Cable for Bundling Cores
To Create a Cable for Bundling Cores
1. Click Diagramming > Catalog Explorer. The Catalog Explorer dialog box opens. Select Groups from the Type list.
2. Click . A new group is added to the list with a default name.
3. Click . The Properties dialog box opens.
a. Name the cable and set the type to CONNECTION!CABLE, or its subtype.
b. If necessary, select a datatable for the cable.
c. Click OK.
4. Click in the Catalog Explorer. A new shape is added to the Groupshapes list with a default name.
5. Click . The shape opens in the graphics window.
A cable catalog item for bundling cables without a shield should not have children. If the cable must have a shield, draw a short piece of fiber in the groupshape to represent the shield wire type. The fiber type must be CONNECTION!WIRE!WIRING_WIRE!SHIELD or one of its subtypes. If you want the shield port to be visible, choose a new port shape for the instanced shield fibershape. Open the Fiber Properties dialog box and click the Shape tab.
6. Close the shape. The group is complete.