Creo Schematics Help Center > Working with Designs > Wiring > Cables > To Create a Custom Cable Decoration
To Create a Custom Cable Decoration
1. In an open design, click Diagramming > Catalog Explorer. The Catalog Explorer dialog box opens.
2. Select Cable Decorations from the Type list. The default and user-defined decorations are listed in the Cable Decorations list.
3. To create a new user defined cable decoration, select the Cable Decorations folder and click . The Create new sheet dialog box opens.
4. To change the units, click Inches. Different sheets appear in the Sheet Format list.
5. Select a sheet from the list and click OK. A new decoration appears in the Cable Decorations list.
6. Select the new decoration and click or right-click and choose Open Sheet. The sheet and the Decoration tab open.
7. Create geometry for the cable decoration.