To Configure Layer Properties
1. In an open design, click > . The Layer Control dialog box opens.
2. Select one or more layers.
3. Click Properties, or right-click and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. The Layer Properties dialog box opens.
4. Click or clear the options:
◦ Hide—Hides the shapes of items associated with the layer and automatically sets the layer as Unselectable.
◦ Unselectable—Prevents the selection of any shape on the layer.
◦ Protected—Prevents the modification of any shape on the layer.
◦ Format—Defines the layer for use with sheet layout.
◦ Set Color—Enables selected layer color for all shapes whenever Prefer color by layer is selected. Click the color button and select a color from the Select a Color dialog box.
5. Click Apply to apply the changes and to continue configuring options, or click OK.