To Add a Global Parameter to the Parameter Pool
1. Click > . The Define Types dialog box opens.
2. Click New. The Parameter Definition dialog box opens.
3. Type or set the following parameters:
◦ Name—Provides the parameter name.
◦ Value Type—Select a value type.
◦ Description—Describes the parameter.
◦ Units—Specifies the unit of measure.
◦ Derived Parameter—Creates a parameter that is defined by a function. Click Define Function and configure the function in the Define Function dialog box.
◦ Constrain to value list—Constrains parameter definitions to a list of user-defined values:
▪ Select String or List to constrain the parameter to a set of values typed in the Value List box.
▪ Select Real or Integer to constrain the parameter to a set of values entered in the Value List box. You can also set a range value with specific minimum and maximum values as typed in the Value Range box.
4. Type a parameter value in the box next to Add and click Add. The value is added to the Value List. Repeat as required to add additional values.
5. Click OK. The global parameter is added to the Parameter Pool list.