Creo Schematics Help Center > Creo Schematics Overview > Limitations of Creo Schematics Lite
Limitations of Creo Schematics Lite
Creo Schematics Lite allows you to load Creo Parametric Diagram designs or create new designs of up to 10 sheets. The following functionality is available only in the full version of Creo Schematics:
Designs with more than 10 sheets
Central Catalog
Draft Groups
Sharing design information using design properties files
Reordering members of two variable groups simultaneously
Exporting or importing CGM files
Alpha numeric naming
BID WID verification
Export to DWG, DXF, MEDUSA, PDF, or EDA
Importing pcb data
Extended label functionality
Applying pin parameters from a .csv file
Creating custom cable decorations
The Find Tool
CID to WID designs
Using eSimulate Lite
After a design is saved in the full version of Creo Schematics it cannot be opened in Creo Schematics Lite.
The following report functions are not supported:
Serial part of artifact name
Slicing of artifact name
Display nth word of artifact name
Retrieving value of parameter harness from connected fibers
Displaying group shapes
Displaying number of ports on a group