Creo Schematics Help Center > Interconnect Diagrams > BID to WID Interconnect Diagrams > About Backshell Ports on Variable Group Connectors in Interconnect Diagrams
About Backshell Ports on Variable Group Connectors in Interconnect Diagrams
Note the following about variable group connector shapes in interconnect diagrams:
In an interconnect diagram, the number of pins on a wiring variable connector shape can be set by the num_of_pins parameter. Only one port is used in the catalog shape to represent the pins on the connector.
When you instance the wiring variable connector shape, the num_of_pins parameter is used to create members from the port with the highest index. In other words, the port that was instanced last in the wiring variable connector catalog shape.
A backshell port is a single port on a connector and is not counted in the num_of_pins parameter.
When you create the catalog wiring shape variable group connector, the last port instanced will be the one that represents the pins on the connector. You can instance one or more backshell ports before you instance the port representing the pins.