Creo Schematics Help Center > Design Basics > Working with a Central Catalog > Workflow for Creating and Populating a Central Catalog
Workflow for Creating and Populating a Central Catalog
Before a new Central Catalog can be created, the administrator must:
1. Create a write protected shared root directory for the Central Catalog.
2. Set up a global parameters CSV file to use in all designs that will access the Central Catalog.
3. Create a base design to use as a template. This design includes global parameters, templates, and a link to the Central Catalog directory.
4. Use the Datatable Explorer to load datatable and membermap CSV files to the design.
5. Save a copy of the base design as a template design for all new designs.
To use the base design as a template the user must:
1. Create a new design using the base design template.
2. If needed, create new Internal Catalog items.
3. Assign the datatables to Internal Catalog artifacts.
4. Submit new catalog items to the Temporary Submission Directory.
The editor can:
1. Change items in a design that are linked to the Central Catalog, or new items that were submitted to the Temporary Submission Directory.
2. Notify the administrator of a change to these items.