Creo Schematics Help Center > Design Basics > To Set Design Parameters and Properties
To Set Design Parameters and Properties
1. Click Design > Design Properties. The Design Properties dialog box opens.
2. Type or set design parameters and properties:
Name—Provides the design name.
Description—Describes the design.
Location—Shows the path where the design is saved.
Spare coreSets the spare-core catalog item.
Fiber End DetailsSets fiber end details for each diagram type, setting maximum number of connections per port, number of fans, and X, Y, and Z fan-out distance in millimeters and inches.
Branch ShapeSets the shape used when branching a fiber.
Cross Sheet GraphicsSets port graphics for a fiber that spans more than one sheet.
Default TemplatesAssigns default templates for new sheets and artifacts.
Check DatabaseRuns a report to verify the integrity of design shapes.
Blanking PropertiesSets the dimensions of the area on a fiber that is blanked out by the fiber label. This also determines label text size.
AutoportSets the default autoport port shapes.
Auto Wiring FiberSets the default auto-wiring fiber type.
Reset Serial NumbersResets the numerical sequence of serial numbers in automatically generated names.
Fiber Gap DetailsSets the style of an automatic or manual fiber crossover.
Auto parameter updateSets an automatic parameter update. Clear for manual updating.
Set Row/Column TextSets text properties for the location set.
Many of these properties can be set at the catalog item or instance level.