To Export a Design to XML
1. Click File > Export > XML. The Export to XML dialog box opens.
2. Click File Selector and browse to the targeted XML file, or browse to the directory and type a new name in the XML Export File box. The file must have a .xml extension.
3. Select a Target application:
General—Exports general design data
Piping—Exports design data for PTC Creo Parametric Piping
Cabling—Exports design data for PTC Creo Parametric Cabling
4. If you select either Piping or Cabling, click an option to check the exported shapes for invalid property values:
Validate XML—The XML Validation Report dialog box opens with a report on the design data
Duplicate Ref Des—Check for duplicated reference designators
Ignore warnings—Ignore warnings reported during the export
Click Close.
5. Select one of the following What to export options:
Whole design—Export the entire design
Current sheet—Export the current sheet
Selection—Export the selected shapes
Report results—Export selected items from the most recently generated report
6. Click OK.