To Call Java from Derived Parameters
1. Click Design > Edit Global Parameters. The Define Types dialog box opens.
2. Select the type of object. The list of parameters defined for the object appears in the table.
3. Add a new parameter, or select the parameter in the table.
4. Click Modify. The Parameter Definition dialog box opens.
5. Click the Derived Parameter check box.
6. Click Define Function. The Define Function dialog box opens.
7. Type the class and method without parameters or brackets surrounded by curly brackets, such as {Example.derivedfn} in the Function name box.
8. Type the parameter in the lower box and click Add. The parameter is added to the Parameter List.
9. Select a parameter and click Modify to change it, or click Delete to remove it from the list.
10. Click OK to quit the Define Function dialog box.
11. Click OK to quit the Parameter Definition dialog box.
12. Click Close.