About Invoking a Method
Use the following syntax to invoke a method:
{Java_class.method_name(param1, param2, ...)}
Java_class is the path to a Java class with packages separated by a forward slash (/), such as rsdesigner/component/Artifact.
method_name is a static method of that class that returns a void.
If the Java method is not being called from a button, it returns a java.lang.String and certain parameters are automatically passed to the method that is called. The following table defines the parameters for each type of method:
Method called from
Default Parameters
Shape label
First: rsdesigner.component.Shape
The shape is the owner of the label.
Sheet label
First: rsdesigner.design.Sheet
The sheet is the owner of the label.
First: rsdesigner.component.Artifact or rsdesigner.design.Sheet
The item that is supplied depends on the item being reported.
Derived parameter
First: rsdesigner.component.Artifact
Second: java.lang.String
The first parameter is the item with the derived parameter. The second parameter is the name of the property.
Row or column label
First: rsdesigner.design.Sheet
Second: int
The first parameter is the calculated reference sheet. The second parameter is the row or column to be calculated.
The number of parameters specified in this syntax must be the same as the number of parameters you have specified when defining the method. Otherwise, the Java system does not find the specified method.