Command Syntax for a Silent Installation
To perform a silent installation of Creo Schematics, open a command shell, and run setup.exe from the root directory of the installation media as follows:
<drive>:\setup.exe –xml “<path to the .xml file stored in a temporary location>”
Where drive is the installation media drive letter or the location of the downloaded installation image.
The arguments you can use with setup.exe during a silent installation follow:
Command Syntax
setup.exe <no arguments>
Runs the installer interactively.
setup.exe –help
Displays all the arguments to use with the installer.
setup.exe –v
Displays the version of the installer.
setup.exe –xml <file1> –xml <file2>....
Performs a silent installation as per the directives in the specified XML files.
setup.exe –upgrade –xml <file1> –xml <file2>....
Performs a silent installation with the removal of the highest version that already exists, and installs the current version of a release, according to the instructions in the specified XML files.
setup.exe –upgrade –xml <file1> –xml <file2> -backup
When you use the –backup option along with the –upgrade option, a number of existing customized files and folders from a predefined list, are backed up and copied to the Custom files directory. Use this option if you are not sure if you have customized library files in your existing version.
setup.exe –xmlall “<path to the.xml files stored in a common temporary location>”
Performs a silent installation of all the applications as per the directives specified in the XML files that are all stored in a common folder.
setup.exe –xml <file1> [–destination <directory>]
[Optional] Overrides the destination specified in the XML file.
setup.exe –xml <file1> [-licensesource <string>]
[Optional] Overrides the license source specified in the XML file.
setup.exe –xml <file1> [-translate_lp_path_space <character>]
[Optional] Replaces the whitespace characters in the installation path in the XML file.
setup.exe –xml <file1> [-licfeat_regen]
[Optional] Overrides the license feature list specified in the XML file. The default list is regenerated by checking the license source list as it is originally generated from an initial installation. Without this argument, the default license feature list is taken from the XML file.
setup.exe –xml <file1> [-licfeat_preference <string>]
[Optional] Prepends the preferred license feature names to the default license feature list. Specify the preferred names within quotes or as a space-separated list without parentheses. Without this argument, the default license feature list is used as is.
setup.exe –progressbar –xml <file1>
[Optional] Displays the indicative progress bar during the installation using the XML file.
Consider the example of performing a silent installation of Creo Schematics and a required component Diagnostic Tools. Open a command shell and enter the following command:
E:\setup.exe –xml “D:\temp\ptc\schematics.p.xml” -xml “D:\temp\ptc\qualityagent.p.xml”
E—The installation media drive letter.
D:\temp\ptc\schematics.p.xml—The location for the XML file schematics.p.xml file for Creo Schematics.
D:\temp\ptc\qualityagent.xml—The location of the XML file for the required component Diagnostic Tools.