Early Return of a Borrowed License
All arrangements to return the borrowed licenses early must be made before initiating license borrowing. Before borrowing a license from the server, you must set the environment variable PRO_ALLOW_EARLY_RETURN to true to return that license early. If you frequently return licenses early, then permanently set the environment variable using the System Properties dialog box.
The environment variable PRO_ALLOW_EARLY_RETURN is set to true by default in the Creo specific PSF file.
If you frequently return licenses early, retain the value of the PRO_ALLOW_EARLY_RETURN environment variable as true in the PSF file. Otherwise, set it to false.
Setting the PRO_ALLOW_EARLY_RETURN environment variable has no effect on an unborrowed license.
For an lmadmin-based license server, set adminOnly="falseā€ in the server.xml file at license_server_manager_loadpoint/conf to return a borrowed license early. See Returning a Borrowed License Early in the FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide for a procedure on returning the borrowed licenses early.